Stephanie Hoover

🔊 Listen Now - Season 1, Episode 17, September 14, 2020:
The 1969 Vietnam Draft Lottery: 90 Minutes Changed the Lives of Half a Million Men

1969 Vietnam Draft

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Show Notes:

The 1969 Vietnam Draft

In 1969, you did not want your birthdate to be September 14th.

Why? Because if you were born on that date between the years 1944 and 1950, you were "number one" in the Vietnam draft lottery. Without a deferment of some kind, you were almost guaranteed to be sent to Vietnam.

In this episode, Stephanie explains the December 1, 1969 Vietnam draft lottery - the 90 minutes of American history that changed half a million lives.

To read Stephanie's feature article on which this podcast is based, visit this page.

The following sound effects and music (or pieces thereof) were used in this episode:
• Prize Wheel from tony-bear
• Last Post 3 from benboncan
• Civil War Music from adeluc4
All can be found at